Riffle pronunciation
Riffle pronunciation

riffle pronunciation

(9) They added more than 20 riffle weirs, 15 post vanes, and 80,000 willows to slow water down, protect streambanks, increase habitat and raise the water table. (8) A rainbow stud, resplendent in his best dress uniform, stakes out and defends his riffle against all invaders, threatening would-be rivals with vicious fin-to-fin combat. (7) We limited our selection of sites to approximately second to fourth order streams, and selected sites with naturally-occurring riffle zones having gravel-cobble-boulder substrate.

riffle pronunciation

(6) One minute you're in a sharp, spluttering, stony riffle, and then you're in a swift, frictionless, swirling run, or in a deep slow pool of long vowels and slow consonants. (5) Faintly, though not frequently, a riffle of doubt perturbs Krugman's chipmunk paeans to the Clinton Age. (3) the loudest sound was the constant riffle of paper as people looked at the agendas (4) The stream has now become nothing more than a sediment sluice with rock pools filled-in with sand and gravel, and former riffle reaches submerged in sediment. (2) Given their natural size advantage, salmon are competitively dominant and increase the proportion of trout occupying riffle habitat, whereas trout have little effect on habitat selection by salmon. (1) Sampling reaches were selected to include riffle habitats with substrate composed primarily of cobble, gravel, and boulder.

Riffle pronunciation