Please contact us with any questions, thank you. Descriptive copy that is not a “product description” needs to be credited from its source (e.g., excerpted from High Ohm Octave instructional packaging, or Sound Healing: Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks Instructional Manual, or © Sound Universe, Llc/ Ohm Therapeutics). Product descriptions and other informational copy found on our website, or in our printed materials, can also be used to promote Ohm Therapeutics products. The presentation of brand photos must be used in clear association with Ohm Therapeutics product line, and not to cross promote the sales of competitors products. To prevent any confusion in marketplace, we ask, in these circumstances, that vendor contact us first to go over these terms of use and obtain permission. See example on any of our product pages, e.g., Ohm Octave Set.Įxample of When Permission is Required: When brand photos are used to promote Ohm Therapeutics products where, in addition, other manufacturers tuning fork products are also being promoted. Permission is not needed when brand photos and videos are shown in a gallery directly associated with product. Thank you.Įxample of When Permission is not Required: Contact and put Permission to Use in subject line, and describe which images you are interested in reproducing. These photos can only be used in direct association with Ohm Therapeutics products, and require advance permission to use. The term “brand photos” refers to images showing the tuning forks in use, self-treatment and practitioner applications in a treatment setting.

There are times when a vendor may want to use additional images from our website. We encourage vendors to make use of our logo, product descriptions and video clips when presenting or promoting the items for sale. Vendors who resell online have access to product images on our website, including alternate views of the item(s) being sold. Terms of Use for Copyrighted Material – Resellers of Ohm Therapeutics Check out our most complete tool set for the physical body: Foundations: Level I Class Tools Bundle and our most complete tool set for the energetic body and Chakras: Deluxe Chakra Balancing Set. Recommended practitioner tools to begin learning include: Mid Ohm Set, Low Ohm Tuning Fork, and Practitioner Activator. View video trailer to get a sense of the 20+ treatment protocols presented by the founder of Ohm Therapeutics, Marjorie de Muynck, M.Mus., MSOM, Hon.
You have options to download video from Vimeoand Amazon Prime Video and the book is widely available from many ebook distributors, most popular is Amazon Kindle. It takes two downloads to get full educational content, one for the book and the other for the companion video. The video features 20+ tuning fork applications.
Ohm Therapeutics Instructional Manual (includes Video Tutorials), Sound Healing: Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks, provides Sound Healing theory and practical application. GET A HEAD START BY PURCHASING TOOLS AND READING UP IN ADVANCE OF CLASS!

Symbol, Sound, and Vibratory Experience.Ohm Tuning Forks ~ Beneficial use of Octaves.Ohm Therapeutics ~ A Trusted Brand since 2003.INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES – INTUITIVE & EASY TO FOLLOW.